About Me!

I am Zitong Lu (路子童 in Chinese), a fourth-year PhD candidate in cognitive neuroscience working with Dr. Julie Golomb in Vision and Cognitive Neuroscience Lab at The Ohio State University. Also, I am the OSU EEGlab manager!

I will join Dr. Nancy Kanwisher’s lab at Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a post-doc researcher next summer.

Before that, I received B.Eng. in software engineering from Northeastern University in China in 2018 and M.S. in cognitive neuroscience from East China Normal University in 2021. I worked with Dr. Yixuan Ku in Memory and Emotion Lab and did some studies about visual working memory and face perception.

I am the author of NeuroRA (a python toolbox for multi-modal neural data representational analysis), a Python EEG handbooks, EEG2EEG (a state-of-the-art inter-individual EEG converter).

I am interested in understanding how we process object information in the complex and dynamics world using behavioral, EEG, fMRI and computational approaches and building more brain-like artificial neural networks.

My main research interests are:

(1) Neural and behavioral mechanisms of visual perception:

(2) Mapping representations between human brains and artificial neural networks:

For details, please see the Research Section.